What is Toast in Android?
A Toast is a feedback message. It takes a very little space for displaying while overall activity is interactive and visible to the user. It disappears after a few seconds. It disappears automatically. If user wants permanent visible message, Notification can be used.
Another type of Toast is custom Toast, in which images can be used instead of a simple message.
In this example “This a simple toast message” is a Toast message which is displayed by clicking on ‘CLICK’ button. Every time when you click your toast message appears.
Open “activity_main.xml” file and add a Button to show Toast message in a Constraint Layout.
Also, Assign ID to button component as shown in the image and the code below. The assigned ID to the button helps to identify and to use in Java files.
Here the given ID is Button01
This will make the UI of the Application.
Step 3: Now, after the UI, this step will create the Backend of the App. For this, Open “MainActivity.java” file and instantiate the component (Button) created in the XML file using findViewById() method. This method binds the created object to the UI Components with the help of the assigned ID.
General Syntax:
ComponentType object = (ComponentType)findViewById(R.id.IdOfTheComponent);
Syntax for used component (Click Button):
Button btn = (Button)findViewById(R.id.Button01);
Step 4: This step involves setting up the operations to display the Toast Message. These operations are as follows:
Add the listener on Button and this Button will show a toast message.
btn.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {});